Nakagawa 130927

Feb. 16, 2017

Dear TRIZ Colleagues,

    Toru Nakagawa

         Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been updated on Feb. 14 in English and in Japanese pages.

[1] Personal Report of ETRIA TFC2016 (Oct. 2016, Poland)  Toru Nakagawa

[2] A long-term strategy to spread TRIZ in SMEs.

   Davide Russo, D. Regazzoni, C. Rizzi (U. Bergamo, Italy); Japanese translation: Toru Nakagawa

[3] Letters from ReadersDec. 2016 - Jan. 2017English: 4 readers + TN; Japanese: 6 readers + TN


[1] TRIZ Forum: Conference Report (31):

Personal Report of The 16th ETRIA TRIZ Future Conference (TFC 2016),

Held on Oct. 24-27, 2016, at Wroclaw, Poland

Toru Nakagawa (OGU)  

After a few years of interval, I have made up my mind to write 'Personal Reports' of some important TRIZ conferences, starting with ETRIA TFC2016.

In the field of TRIZ, several international conferences and several tens of regional/ domestic/ company-organized conferences are held every year.  

Papers/presentations at such conferences are, unfortunately, mostly not known even for people interested/ involved in TRIZ.

Overviews of the papers and introductions to good papers would be useful for promoting TRIZ, only if appropriate reviews were done.

Knowing the responsibilities and burdens, I will do my best to write 'Personal Reports', as I did before (Conference Reports (1) through (30)).  

The present page in English is just a skeletal of my Personal Report, containing only a list of all the papers categorized with topics.

I have just posted a Japanese page having very-brief introductions to all the papers, which I wrote after reading Authors' Abstracts and presentation slides (made available to TFC2016 participants).

After reading papers closely one after another from now on, I am going to write introductions to them in English.

It will take two months or so for me to finish and post my Personal Report in English.

[2] Case Study of TRIZ Promotion:

A long-term strategy to spread TRIZ in SMEs. Analysis of Bergamo's experience

Davide Russo, Daniele Regazzoni, Caterina Rizzi University of Bergamo, Italy);

Japanese translation: Toru Nakagawa  

Presented at ETRIA TFC 2016 on Oct. 25, 2016 at Wroclaw, Poland.

In the English page, presentation slides are posted both in HTML and in PDF.

The paper will be made accessible with a link to Elsevier's Science Direct whenever openly published.

In the Japanese page, the full paper and the presentation slides are posted in Japanese translation.

The TRIZ research group, formed in the University of Bergamo, educated students of Master courses with the TRIZ methodology, and worked to spread TRIZ in the industrial community in collaboration of Bergamo Chamber of Commerce.

This is a valuable report of the activities, which contributed to stimulate and enhance the intellectual properties and innovation in the regional community prevailed by SMEs.

Typical models of promoting TRIZ are based on success stories in big enterprises.

In Italy, however, big companies (with over 250 employees) are very few (0.1%) while very small companies (with less than 10 employees) are prevailing (95%).

Thus the Authors built a new model of responding to the demands of SMEs first in collaboration with Chamber of Commerce.

Under a long term strategy, they provided services of teaching, training, and consulting the owners and engineers of SMEs on the topic of Intellectual Properties first and TRIZ later.

In 9 years they have achieved remarkable results.

[3] TRIZ Forum: Letters from ReadersDec. 2016 - Jan. 2017

[English page] Czeslaw Cempel (Poland), Ellen Domb (USA), Hugo Sanchez (Nicaragua), Shahid Saleem Arshad (Australia); Toru Nakagawa

Communications between Cempel and Nakagawa, on 'Liberty vs Love', especially that Ethics (including Equity) is the 0th Principle.

Domb and Sanchez sent me wishes and encourage the work of this Web site.

Arshad supported me on the work of 'Liberty vs. Love'. He attached a picture of homeless Japanese citizens just post-war in 1945. Nakagawa responded mentioning the hidden nature of poverty in modern countries

[Japanese page ] Akihiko Ikeda, Tomomi Murata, Kouichi Miyazato, Tetsu Sadahiro, Munehiro Shimada, Mikiya Kobayashi, Toru Nakagawa

Murata sent me his greetings together with Haiku (Japanese short poems) he composed.

Miyazato encourages me to keep this site as a platform where Gemba leaders can study.

Sadahiro asks me about how engineers' use of their knowledge and experiences is related to the Six-Box Scheme.

Shimada sent me his newly published book: "How Do We Want to Die?" (Author: M. de Ridder,

   Translation into Japanese: M. Shimada and W.R. Ade).

Kobayashi sent me his sympathy on the 'Liberty vs. Love' issue.

Best wishes,



Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:

   Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.


Nakagawa 130927


Apr. 26, 2017

Dear TRIZ Colleagues,

    Toru Nakagawa (Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University)

"TRIZ Home Page in Japan" has been updated yesterday (dated Apr. 24) in English and in Japanese pages.

[1] Letters from ReadersFeb. - Apr. 2017

[1A] English page: from 8 readers + Toru Nakagawa

[1B] Japanese page: from 2 readers + Toru Nakagawa

[1C] Information Letter: TRIZ Activities at OGU (Toru Nakagawa)

[2] Introductions of Individual Papers of ETRIA TFC 2016:

     C. Case Studies in Industries (9 Papers)

     Toru Nakagawa    


[1] TRIZ Forum: Letters from ReadersFeb. - Apr. 2017

[1A] [English page]

Tomasz Arciszewski (USA), Czeslaw Cempel (Poland), Simon Litvin (USA), Pavel Livotov (ETRIA President), Oliver Mayer (Germany), Michal Halas (Poland), William Hessler (USA), Shahid Saleem Arshard (Australia); Toru Nakagawa (OGU)

On request from S. Litvin, I wrote a document of my whole activities related to TRIZ and Creative Problem Solving Methodology at OGU (See a separate page [1C] ).

For writing Introductions of ETRIA TFC2016 papers, I sent a request to many TFC2016 authors for sending me their presentation slides.

And I received a message from ETRIA President to note the copyrights issues of the papers.

I confirmed that Papers in English are not posted/cited because ETRIA is going to publish them officially in spring NEXT year and that Slides in English may be posted/cited under Author's permissions and Papers and Slides in Japanese translation are allowed to be posted/cited.

I explained these points to the Authors and posted my Introductions of 17 TFC2016 papers on Mar. 30 under their permissions.

W. Hessler suggested me to make my Web site design easier to read and more user-friendly, especially for beginners.

I want to make this Web site, however, up-to-date, reliable, and high-quality source of information of TRIZ and Creative problem solving methodology in general.

For making such an intention compatible with user-friendliness, I have been trying to implement various measures; they are summarized here again in reply.

Probably it will be most effective from now on to insert more photos (such as people in conferences, authors of articles, flowers in seasons, etc.).

I would like to ask you, the readers, to contribute articles and give suggestions to this Web site.

[1B] [Japanese page]

Mr. O; Akihiro Katahira; Toru Nakagawa (OGU)

Mr. O, who is going to introduce TRIZ in his company, asked me about the position of TRIZ among various idea generation methods.

I replied that methods of creative problem solving are more important than simple, short-cut oriented idea-generation methods.

Such methodology has been developed recently by improving/generalizing TRIZ.

The concept of 'Six-Box Scheme' and easy process USIT should be learnt, by using USIT Manual and USIT Case Studies.

I just introduced the essence of what are discussed repeatedly in this Web site.


[1C] TRIZ Forum: Information Letter: TRIZ Activities at OGU:
       Research, Education, Application, and Proliferation   (Toru Nakagawa)

I wrote this Information Letter for reporting my whole activities related to TRIZ and Creative Problem Solving Methodology at OGU, with the emphasis that research, education, application, and proliferation of TRIZ and related methodology are done in a parallel and cooperative


My whole activities for these 20 years since 1997 are described in a chronological manner, in three A4 pages .

[2] Conference Report (31)-Papers C: Personal Report of ETRIA TFC 2016:

   Introductions of Individual Papers: C. Case Studies in Industries (9 Papers)

     (Toru Nakagawa)    

Introductions of the papers presented at TFC2016 are written by Nakagawa in English.

Here are 9 papers in the 3rd category. marks are highly recommended.

C1. Heuristic problems in automation and control design: what can be learnt from TRIZ?:
Leonid Chechurin (Finland), Viktor Berdonosov (Russia), et al.

C2. Optimizing motor performance by using TRIZ methodology:
Matej Hohnjec et al. (Slovenia)

C3. A proposal for automation of conceptual design stage in Architecture-Engineering- Construction (AEC) projects:
Ivan A. Renev (Finland)

C4. TRIZ and innovation of pressing process:
Bohuslav Busov et al. (Czech Republic)

C5. TRIZ and turbojet engine innovation:
Bohuslav Busov, Zden?k Katolicky et al. (Czech Republic)

C6. Mobile biogas station design: the TRIZ approach:
Mariusz Ptak et al. (Poland)

C7. Design for change: disaggregation of functions in system architecture by TRIZ-based design:
Sebastian Koziolek (Poland)

C8. TRIZ based problem solving of tile manufacturing system: Toru.831 Sebastian Koziolek, Mateusz S?upi?ski (Poland)

C9. TRIZ-based analysis of the rail industry problem of low adhesion:
John Cooke (UK)


The Photo posted at the top page:

at Monastery of Lorch (Germany),
Apr. 7, 2017, Toru Nakagawa.


Toru Nakagawa, Dr., Professor Emeritus, Osaka Gakuin University

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [Main email address. for receiving.]

       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   [for sending]

Editor of the "TRIZ Home Page in Japan":


Director of CrePS Institute:

   Publication of "TRIZ Practices and Benefits" book series

     (in Japanese)

   3-1-13 Eirakudai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0086, Japan.
